March is our General Meeting and next school year's class enrollment for members begins. Classes are optional. Coming together as a community is our focus!
JMJ Tampa Bay is a Catholic homeschooling community that was established in 2005 to bring families together weekly throughout the school year. As our group has grown over the years, we have expanded our offerings to include classes, clubs, field trips, social activities, and prayer and faith formation activities for children, parents and families. Our humble beginnings have produced abundant fruit, and we are blessed to have served hundreds of families from all over the greater Tampa Bay area, all sharing a common purpose and vision of educating the minds and hearts of our children as we seek to grow closer to the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary and Joseph (JMJ+).
Membership enrollment is open year-round. To learn more, please first read our Vocation Statement found under "About Us." This well help you better understand JMJ Tampa Bay and how we work. If our community sounds like what God is calling you to, we invite you to click "Contact Us" to fill out a brief form. Our Membership Coordinator will contact you to arrange a preview day. May God abundantly bless you and your family!
Friday Class Schedule 2024-2025 *Open Registration starts on 3/18 with membership paperwork/payment.
8:00am | 9:00am | 10:00am | 11:00am | 12:00pm | 1:00pm | 2:00pm | |
Moms' Activities |
Parish Latin Mass
Adoration & Confession
Rosary & Freecycle
Moms' Gospel Reflection
Angelus, Lunch, & Free Time (12-1pm)
PreK3&4 |
Catholic Icing 9am (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten ; 3 y/o - 4 y/o
Outdoor Sciences (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten ; 3 y/o - 4 y/o
Literature (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten
The Busy Preschooler (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten ; 3 y/o
PreK3&4 (cont.) |
Catholic Icing 10am (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten
K-2nd |
Physical Education [P.E.] (K-2)
Kindergarten - 2nd
Art (K-2nd) 10am
Kindergarten - 2nd
Outdoor Sciences (K-2nd)
Kindergarten - 2nd ; 5 y/o - 8 y/o
Art (K-2nd) 1pm
Kindergarten - 2nd
K-2nd (cont.) |
Truth, Goodness, & Beauty (K-2nd)
Kindergarten - 2nd
Painting (K-2nd)
Kindergarten - 2nd
Saints & Seasons (K-2nd)
Kindergarten - 2nd
3rd-5th |
STEM Science (3rd-5th)
3rd - 5th
Taekwondo Class (3rd-5th)
3rd - 5th
Art (3rd-5th)
3rd - 5th
Little House on the Prairie Class (3rd-5th)
3rd - 5th
Middle School 6th-8th (cont.) |
Photography (6th-8th)
6th - 8th ; 11 y/o - 13 y/o
Middle & High School 6th-12th |
Art (6-12th)
6th - 12th
Science: Chemistry (6th-10th)
6th - 12th
Back Field Sports Club (6th-12th)
6th - 12th
High School 9th-12th |
Intermediate Apologetics (9th-12th)
8th - 12th
Mosaic (9-12th)
9th - 12th
Multi-Aged |
ASL Express Yourself! (3rd-12th)
3rd - 12th
Pueri Cantores Choir (4th-12th)
4th - 12th ; 9 y/o - 18 y/o
Dance |
Pre-Ballet Creative Dance (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten
Beginner Ballet (10am) (K+)
Kindergarten - 12th
Intermediate Ballet (11am)
1st - 12th
Beginner Ballet (1pm) (K+)
Kindergarten - 12th
Ballroom BOYS (6th-12)
6th - 12th
Dance (cont.) |
Ballroom GIRLS (6th-12)
6th - 12th
Tompkins |
Piano or Voice Lesson 8:30am
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano or Voice Lesson 9am & 9:30am
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano or Voice Lesson 10am & 10:30am
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano or Voice Lesson 11am & 11:30am
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano/Keyboard or Voice Lesson 12pm
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano or Voice Lessons 1pm & 1:30pm
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano or Voice Lessons 2pm & 2:30pm
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
First Fridays |
Yearbook Brunch Club First Fridays (6th-12th)
6th - Adult
HS Literature First Friday (9th-12th)
9th - 12th
First Fridays (cont.) |
Soldiers of the Cross First Fridays (5th-8th BOYS)
5th - 8th
Friday Class Schedule 2025-2026
8:00am | 9:00am | 10:00am | 11:00am | 12:00pm | 1:00pm | 2:00pm | |
Moms' Activities |
Parish Latin Mass
Adoration & Confession
Rosary & Freecycle
Moms' Gospel Reflection
Adult - Adult 20+
Angelus, Lunch, & Free Time (12-1pm)
PreK3&4 |
Catholic Icing (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten ; 3 y/o - 4 y/o
Outdoor Sciences (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten ; 3 y/o - 4 y/o
Love of Literature (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten ; 3 y/o - 4 y/o
Zumbini (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten ; 3 y/o - 4 y/o
PreK3&4 (cont.) |
The Busy Preschooler (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten ; 3 y/o - 4 y/o
Spanish Story Time (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten ; 3 y/o - 4 y/o
K-2nd |
Outdoor Sciences (K-2nd) 9am
Kindergarten - 2nd ; 5 y/o - 8 y/o
Art (K-2nd) 10am
Kindergarten - 2nd
Outdoor Sciences (K-2nd) 11am
Kindergarten - 2nd ; 5 y/o - 8 y/o
Art (K-2nd) 1pm
Kindergarten - 2nd
K-2nd (cont.) |
Physical Education [P.E.] (K-2nd)
Kindergarten - 2nd
Truth, Goodness, & Beauty (K-2nd)
Kindergarten - 2nd
3rd-5th |
Florida Science (3rd-5th)
3rd - 5th
Taekwondo Class (3rd-5th)
3rd - 5th
Art (3rd-5th)
3rd - 5th
Little House on the Prairie Class (3rd-5th)
3rd - 5th
Middle School 6th-8th |
Science: Middle School Biology (6th-8th)
6th - 8th
Defending the Faith (6th-8th)
6th - 8th
Middle & High School 6th-12th |
Art (6-12th)
6th - 12th
Ballroom GIRLS (6th-12th)
6th - 12th
Middle & High 6-12th (cont.) |
Ballroom BOYS (6th-12th)
6th - 12th
High School 9th-12th |
Early Church Fathers (9th-12th)
9th - 12th
Mosaic (9th-12th)
9th - 12th
Multi-Aged |
Theater: Folk Tails (3rd-8th)
3rd - 8th
Board Game Group (K-12th)
Kindergarten - 12th
Ballet |
Intermediate Ballet (3rd+)
3rd - 12th
PreK-Ballet (PreK3&4)
Pre-School - Pre-Kindergarten ; 3 y/o - 4 y/o
Beginner Ballet (K+)
Kindergarten - 12th
Tompkins |
Piano or Voice Lesson 8:30am
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano or Voice Lesson 9am & 9:30am
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano or Voice Lesson 10am & 10:30am
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano or Voice Lesson 11am & 11:30am
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano/Keyboard or Voice Lesson 12pm
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano or Voice Lessons 1pm & 1:30pm
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
Piano or Voice Lessons 2pm & 2:30pm
2nd - Adult 20+ ; 7 y/o - 19 y/o
First Fridays |
Yearbook Brunch Club First Fridays (6th-12th)
6th - Adult
HS Literature First Friday (9th-12th)
9th - 12th
First Fridays (cont.) |
Soldiers of the Cross First Fridays (5th-8th BOYS)
5th - 8th