JMJ Class Day Guidlines
It is a privilege to have our JMJ Tampa Bay group meeting at Epiphany Catholic Church. Please be respectful to all staff and parishoners and follow the guidelines below so we can continue to enjoy all of these wonderful facilities.
Please communicate to your children - No wheels (scooters, skates, bikes, etc) on ANY sidewalk. No climbing on barriers, trees, tables.
No children are allowed in the classrooms, kitchen, or social hall without their parent or a diocesan-trained Safe Envionment and background screened adult present and in charge of them.
Kitchen Code of Conduct: Please advise your children that they are NOT to enter the kitchen without a parent or adult present. Particularly important is the ice maker policy, which requires all users to use the scoop provided. Please do not allow yourself or the children to scoop ice from the ice maker using their own cup or thermos or hands. On the other hand, adults are permitted to use anything they wish in the Epiphany kitchen, including the microwave and stove. Please be sure to leave the kitchen as clean or cleaner than when you entered it.
Parents are ultimately responsible for their children, however if you see someone who is unaware of these guidelines or has forgotten them, please gently remind them and guide them back to the proper areas.
Please go over these rules with your children:
- Shoes ON at ALL times.
- Do NOT go in the classrooms, kitchen or social hall without a parent in charge of you.
- Play ONLY where your parent can see you (stay in JMJ area)
- Do NOT throw sand or rocks.
- Be respectful, polite and safe.
- If your parent has to leave or go inside the building, make sure you know which JMJ mom is in charge of you while they are gone.
- Always use the BUDDY SYSTEM.
- No guns or weapons.